Our Book with Confidence policy lets you cancel and rebook your tour prior to departure, giving you added flexibility and peace of mind.
With our Book with Confidence Guarantee, we offer flexible booking options to give you peace of mind when you book directly with us.
When you book and pay on our site, you’re automatically eligible for the Book with Confidence Guarantee – from the moment you book until your trip is done, we’ll help your stay go right.
If you cancel or delay your trip for any reason, your deposit/payment remains valid until you’re ready to go. If you’ve got questions about a trip — even if it’s the one that you’re currently on — we’re here to help. Give us a call, shoot us an email, or drop into our live chat, it’s all good.
With our flexible date change policy, there’s no need to cancel your tour, just reschedule it instead.
The Book with Confidence Guarantee means:
Any person, who makes a booking through our website is eligible for this guarantee.